Monday, February 23, 2009

PWG Bridal Show yesterday a HUGE success!

If you didn't make it to yesterday's Bridal Show you will just have to come to the fall show instead because it's something that shouldn't be missed if you're planning a wedding. There were over 1,200 brides at yesterday's show which set a record for turnout!

There are SO many vendors there to help you get things planned & booked for your day. And the fashion shows were fantastic! Our booth was right next to the people who did all the hair & makeup for them & it was a ton of fun to watch how their magic was worked. I marveled at an almost-3-year-old sitting to have her hair done for what seemed like a half hour. She was SO patient as she smacked her gum & just looked around at everything going on...I could never get my 3 year old to sit still like that for that length of time! LOL

So, here are a couple pictures I took of my booth just before the show started (there were almost 250 vendors, I was to the left of the runway).

THANKS so much for all of the great couples who stopped by my booth! If you want to sign up for a consultation or book your wedding and didn't get the chance yesterday just email me at Dates are going fast!

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