Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mike + Erin

Mike & Erin were married on an absolutely perfect spring day and before their ceremony I had the chance to hop around town with them to some really pretty spots for their pictures. It's not often I get to spend 2-3 hours with just the bride & groom alone on their wedding day so this was a blast for me! And that's why it's also getting its own post. Not that I ever find it easy to narrow the selection down but after all that shooting with this great couple I just have to share. :o)

They were both naturals & took no time at all to loosen up in front of the camera. You can really see how in love and at ease they are with each other.

We started at Loose Park, one of Mike & Erin's favorite places to spend time together.
We were so fortunate that trees & flowers were already in bloom for their day. It made it even more romantic!
After a fun jumping shot on the hill to finish off our time at Loose Park, we then headed to the Kauffman Gardens.
And lastly, we finished up our pre-ceremony session at the Plaza.

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