Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Everett Family

The Everett family & kids are always a ton of fun to have a shoot with. This is my third session with them and it just never gets old. They are a blast to be around and a family who loves to laugh it up! We went to Loose Park for their session on what must have been the busiest I've ever seen it there. We literally had to wait our turn in some areas to do our pictures! It's easy to see why this is such a popular place though.

I love this bridge so much with the tree reaching over I just can't decide out of these 2 shots below which one I like best.
Perfect light...
It was a bit tough to get Papa Bear to crack a smile for the camera but everyone working together managed to pull one out of him! Siblings with cameras!
Hope found a little ladybug to inspect.
Watching ducks on the pond.

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