Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December Portraits

Now it's time to catch up on some of the winter & holiday portraits from last month.

I started out December with a Groupon feature...and sold 300 sessions! This will be a busy and exciting year for sure! I hope you enjoy all the new work.

This maternity session resulted in some really beautiful images that are among my favorites of the month.

These twin sisters were adorable and love the camera.
I think he's making out his Christmas list in his head here & is more than ready for Santa!
I love babies and this little sweetie came equipped with the most squeezable cheeks. I couldn't help holding her just for a bit between shots.
A super fun couple's session on the Plaza. This was a great day for it too! Still completely in love when they cuddled & looked into each others eyes. I love that! I can't wait to photograph their daughter's senior session in a few months.
This baby had patience & curiosity like you wouldn't believe. She was usually looking everywhere else but at me...the studio lights were especially fascinating. And I love her curls!
An in-home engagement session. A first for me! I love my job. I get to do new things & meet new people every day! I loved this moment of them in their living room, all trimmed for Christmas.
Another great session on the Plaza. This one with the Silva family. Some of them were only in town for a short while for the holidays--all the way from Africa, so it was a fantastic time to get some photos with everyone together.

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