Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kyadda + Brian's Lone Summit Ranch Wedding

Kyadda & Brian were married on a Thursday at the Lone Summit Ranch in Lee's Summit, MO. When we arrived Kyadda was still getting the finishing touches put on while Brian and the guys played cards in their dressing room. We dodged storms all day long on their wedding day (I'm sensing a recurring theme here). It was pouring on our drive there but the sun came out just in time for them to see each other beforehand at the gazebo. It rained again during their ceremony but cleared off right after so we were able to make it outside again before sunset for a few more shots on the beautiful grounds at LSR. I could have spent an hour just photographing them at all the pretty areas there but we were all quickly melting! All in all, it was a perfect day and being that their theme was "Lucky in Love" it was only fitting that they had lots of lucky rain to send them on their way to Ireland for their honeymoon. How perfect is that? :o)

Here is a sneak peek at some of my favorites from their day. I had a hard time narrowing down!

Kyadda's super sexy shoes!
Beautiful flowers by Fifty Flowers.
Robin & the team at Lone Summit Ranch do a fantastic job of taking care of the couple! And the food was delicious too!
The in-house DJs Alan & Andrea of BerryGood Light & Sound put together a great photo montage for all the guests to watch after dinner.
Mmm...chocolate fountain. Need I say more?
Future photographers, no doubt. ;o)

1 comment:

CaraSue said...

Beautiful pictures! Sorry that I didn't really get a chance to talk to you!