Sunday, November 4, 2007

Erin's Business Portraits

This is Erin, a new business owner in Lee's Summit. She's been doing what she does (marketing & promotions) for 10 years but has just made the leap to go out on her own. Congratulations and best of luck, Erin!

With this new venture she needed some great photos of herself for her website and press release, and I was more than happy to do them! We had a ton of fun in Downtown Lee's Summit (I thought appropriate since she's a LS business owner) and we got quite a few creative ones, besides the traditional, more conservative shots. I love Erin for being adventurous and having the ability to visualize some really great photo ops and see the creative in the everyday surroudings!

Here are some of my favorites from the afternoon:
These industrial-looking ones were taken at the Purina building by the railroad tracks in DT Lee's Summit
Erin was brave enough to get in these giant drums. They started rolling on her when she got in so we had to be quick & she had to hold very still! We joked that as soon as she got out they'd all come crashing down...thankfully nothing did! But that didn't save us from getting odd looks from passersby. ;o)

Here she is in her conservative black jacket. Still looking great though!

We both really loved this ivy reaching out from the whole side of this building.

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