Friday, December 7, 2007

The Pyle Family

Here we are at the Kauffman Legacy Park with the Pyle family in mid-November. I'm overdue getting this on my blog! This was such a fun family to photograph. They loved making each other laugh & tried their best to crack each other up during their pictures. Hey, I'm glad we got some natural smiles! ;o) Thanks guys for giving me a laugh too!!
The silliness:
And the seriousness:

Okay, who's trying to make these girls laugh?! ;o)

The Smith Family

We headed to Loose Park on this gorgeous fall day to meet up with the Smith family. Dawn's sister & her kids stopped by briefly for the big family photos on the bridge. I love the bridges at Loose Park and Dawn had to have water so we decided this would be the perfect place. And thankfully, the leaves hung on just long enough for this weekend of pictures! The next week all the leaves were totally gone!

I picked out some of my favorites to share. They are such a strong, close-knit family. The love shines through! :o)

Here is the whole group. I love how this shot turned out with them all stair-stepped. We didn't even plan it that way.
The love birds. ;o)

Father & son having a laugh in a candid moment.